February 18, 2013

Name change

The laws in both Massachusetts and New Hampshire regarding a change of name for an adult, are not complicated.  As long as you're not doing so for fraudulent reasons, it's a fairly simple matter.

In Massachusetts, the filing fee and surcharge is $165, the petition is very easy to complete, you publish in a local newspaper, and as long as nobody files an objection, you're good to go.  In New Hampshire, it's equally easy, and the fee is only $90.

In Massachusetts, if you've just gone through a divorce but the divorce is not yet final, it's even easier, and less expensive.  You merely need to file a motion with the court, the filing fee is only $100, and there's no surcharge.

In both states, you can change your name as part of the divorce,with no surcharge, no filing fee, and all you have to do is check off a box on the divorce complaint.  If you haven't checked off the box, many judges will ask you if you want to change your name, at the time of the final hearing.

So -- the process is easy.

The more difficult thing, is deciding whether you should change your name or not.  Today, it's much less important that mother and children have the same last name for purposes of things like schools and doctor's offices.  So the decision comes down to nothing more than personal preference, although you may want to consider the preferences of the children, as well as your own preferences.  Just keep in mind that a change of name only begins with the court order.  Once you have that court order in hand, you need to deal with the registry of motor vehicles, social security, IRS, credit card companies, insurance companies, and banks.

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